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Ignite Your Dreams & Manifest a Life You Love!

on Sunday, September 25, 2022

Stay tuned for what is coming next!

yoga・meditation・intention setting・shamanic drumming・bonfire

Join us for a day of self-discovery, igniting your dreams and manifesting a life you love!

Practice chakra-balancing yoga, set the right intention with self-inquiry and meditation, enjoy a delicious dinner and take part in a drumming vision quest by the fire!



Yoga, Breathwork & Meditation

We’ll begin our retreat with a Chakra-Balancing Yoga Practice. It will help you get in touch with your energy centres, balance them and set a stage for working with your dreams, goals and intentions. This practice will also channel more confidence, creativity, and joy into your life.

Chakra means “spinning wheel of energy” in Sanskrit. We’ll step on our mats with an open heart and open mind, with no expectations and no judgement. This approach will help us feel more open and present to do the rest of the activities of the day.


Setting the Right Intention (Sankalpa)

Did you know that all our desires and dreams can be placed into four categories? Yes, only four categories contain our life aspirations and pleasures! It is good to dream but to realize oneself and be happy in life, our dreams and desires must be right for us, and be beneficial to our life purpose and destiny! 

But how do I know which of my desires are right for me? How do I set the right-for-me intention?

In this masterclass, I'll share the sacred knowledge of the ancient Vedas and the tools to help you set an intention to create a life you love! 

Become a powerful manifester, equipped with time-proven knowledge and techniques!


Healthy Dinner (Provided)

You will have the opportunity to enjoy a delicious healthy dinner, explore the picturesque Sherwood Farm, and enjoy 70 acres of The Great Outdoors, including walking paths through the fields and a circle in the forest.

Vegan Chef Olesya Fedorova wins over the hearts and tastes buds of anyone she meets. Her vegan and vegetarian meals are perfectly formulated to blend with your soul. Olesya’s cooking gives you a spiritual experience while making your stomach happy with the mouth-watering taste of healthy food, the best you can try in vegan cuisine.

During this time, you will have a chance to socialize with like-minded and like-spirited individuals and make new friends.


Guided Meditation with Drumming Vision Quest

After dinner will be starting the bonfire. Our guest, Peter Arcari, will host a circle to help you clarify your intention for a personal growth goal. He will then guide a visualization meditation into expanded awareness to remove blockages from your path. Peter will use musical instruments and drumming to deepen your mental state and empower you to find the resources you need to attain your goal.


By the end of the retreat, you will feel more balanced and aligned, physically and energetically.

You'll not only identify the right intention that serves your life purpose and your destiny but you will participate in meditation and the drumming vision quest to remove obstacles and embody it.

By creating such a strong foundation, you will be able to successfully continue to work with your intention and achieve your goals!

Join Us!

your investment: $250

Sunday, September 25, from 2:00 pm - 10:00 pm at Sherwood Farm



Sherwood Farm

12485 7th Concession Road
King City, ON

The gorgeous Georgian home with a meeting room and dining room where you will have your lunch.

The Sunroom is a bright welcoming solarium with many succulents and a view of the property. It's ideal for taking a break, having a cup of tea or chatting with friends.

2000 Sq.Ft. of barn space is perfect for our yoga practice.

The Gazebo with a 360-degree view of the property is great for relaxing, contemplating, or doing quiet activities.

The Great Outdoors – 70 acres including walking paths through the fields and a circle in the forest at the back of the property is ideal for forest bathing.

After spending a day, in this spectacular location, participating in the retreat activities, you will feel rested, recharged, and ready to THRIVE!


Irina Kazakevic is a certified Yoga (E-RYT 500) and Children's yoga teacher with 15 years of experience.

In 2007, Irina opened the Well-Being Yoga company, where she continues to teach adults and children to integrate yoga practices into everyday life to achieve physical, mental and emotional health. She founded the Yoga Break for Children™ training program and school accredited by the Yoga Alliance (RCYS). She conducts 95 hours of Children Yoga Teacher Training and Certification (RCYT) online and in person. Irina is also the author of "Children's Yoga Cards", sold on Amazon worldwide.

Over the past 15 years, Irina has regularly trained and improved her skills with the best yoga and meditation teachers in the USA, Canada, India and other countries.

Irina currently teaches yoga at her home yoga studio in Mississauga and the Salt Room. One of Irina’s great passions is facilitating Women's Circles and leading Retreats.

Notable Trainings:

  • 2007: Yoga Teacher Certification RYT 200, ON, Canada

  • 2007: Children’s Yoga Teacher Certification, MA, USA

  • 2010: Meditation Convention, Calcutta, India

  • 2011: MBSR Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, ON, Canada

  • 2012: Meditation Conference, Chennai, India

  • 2014: Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist Diploma, The Himalayan Institute, PA, U.S.

  • 2015 The Four Desires, Para Yoga, CO, U.S.

  • 2018: Yoga Nidra Training, Para Yoga, CO, U.S.

  • 2020: Master Yoga Teacher Training E-RYT 500, Para Yoga, CO, U.S.

About our Chef Olesya Fedorova

Olesya’s adventure with vegan cooking started with her love for healthy food and strong will to help people with special dietary needs, especially when it comes to desserts. She became a vegan chef after attending specialty vegan chef school in Bali, Indonesia as well as Moscow, Russia. Tutoring and hands-on experience with professional vegan cooking teachers she became a vegan chef for other types of food and meals like soups, salads and main entrées. With all this combined with desserts, you get a chance to experience a perfect, multi-course, and unforgettable meal.

About our guest presenter Peter Arcari

Peter Arcari is an Empowerment Mindset Coach that helps people overcome limiting beliefs created from their past so they can set goals and create the life of their dreams. Peter combines his knowledge of neuro-chemistry, neuro-linguistic programming, hypno-therapy, meditation, mindfulness, and expressive arts therapy and sound therapy to help people gain awareness and control of their emotions and beliefs.

Drumming Experience
Peter began studying drumming and sound therapy 14 years ago and began making handheld frame drums 5 years ago. He studied with drum-making masters from Uruguay (Watanee tribe) and Canada (Metis) and has made hundreds of drums for clients in multiple continents for ceremony, vision quest, meditation, and therapy uses.